Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Hope everyone got their costumes done in time, and has a safe and fun time tonight!
I got my costume done right in the nick of time for the party Max and I went to last weekend. Im super happy with it!

"Welcome to Floston Paradise Mr. Dallas! 

More photos to come soon!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Memory wrap

This is a pretty special piece to me for a few reasons. First off, this is the first knitted project I started . Secondly, this was knitted , frogged, and re knitted several times during a pretty hard time in my life. I would work on the wrap as a stress reviler, or when I was particualry distraught. Because it has so many painful memories attached to it, it took me a long time to pick it up and finish it.  I finally did last summer, one of the best summers I’ve had, so I could have it as a reminder of my past, and because its super compfy!

Anyways, here are some photos =)

Me with the little dogs, Jodie and Missy. 

Me in 2005! Like I said, I started this a long time ago. Look at that baby face! 

Sunday, October 19, 2008

New Knits!

I have been SO lazy about taking photos of this one, but here it finaly is!

Author:Heather Lodinsky

This is my first full sweater , and I loved kitting it! The pattern was clear and easy to follow, and the cable patterns kept it from getting borring. I made one major mistake on this...I didnt do a swatch, and when I blocked it, it stretched out like crazy! Woops! It worked out in my favor though, beacuse now its the perfect weight for a nice Florida sweater, and its a little lose so its super compfy. I realy want to get some different buttons for it, but the pink ones will work for now!

Let me know what you think!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Garden time!

I love gardening, and I lucked out this summer because we live somwhere that I can have one! I do a mix of planting from seed, and buying my plants.  I've always found planting relaxing, and a general place of zen for me. Its been a wonderfull escape for me, because its been a pretty stressfull summer.

The main bench where most of my flowers sit. In the middle, I have a little herb box, with sweet basil, oregano, and some thyme.

Here is my last seed starter of the season, some Scarlet Sage! Hopefully it will have time to grow and strenghten up before the cool weather comes in =)

And last but not least, my compost bin! I've got a ton of happy worms living in it, and I use all of the great dirt they make to start seeds, and re pot my plants.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

A pair of socks a month!

So I've set a new knitting goal for myself: I'm going to knit a pair of socks for myself each month! Why you ask? Beacus I'm obsessed with knitting, and I've fallen in love with socks! They are THE perfect knitting project. Small in size, nice pattern options, and they are fast to knit. 

Here is last months socks, knit from the pattern Monkey, by Cookie A You can find the pattern here

Progress shot:
        (Note the absolutily beautifull project holder Max got me for last Christmas <3)

And the finished results! 

This was a great pattern, and the finished socks are amazing! I knit them up in 
Pagewood Farm Denali Hand Dyed Sock Yarn, which I highly reccomend. It has very little spliting, and is super soft. AND its superwash wool!

Here is the start of my October socks. I'm using some yarn from my stash, more of the Pagewood Farm yarn. This time I'm making Pomatomus, by the same author as Monkey.